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Stop the Covid Slide

Here we are in October and we're probably starting to get progress reports and updates from our teachers... and it might not be great news. Here are a few tips to get over that Covid Slide!

The Covid Slide is not unlike the summer slide, which is when students face a regression after summer vacation. It's normal -- that's important, so let me reiterate: it's NORMAL. It happens. We all expect summer vacation slides! What we didn't really expect was for schools to close down in March, "kinda" reopen in April, and then run virtually until at least November. Yikes.

Unfortunately, this means that students haven't retained learning gains in the same way they would have if they were in class and if schools hadn't closed. Don't get us wrong: it's important for public health that we closed schools, but kids are certainly sliding. According to research, students heading back to class this fall retained only 63-68% of their learning gains in reading and 37-50% in math compared to a regular year. So when kids came back to class virtually, teachers had some big adapting to do. And imagine having to stretch to fit a whole HOST of ability with 30+ kids ...remotely.

So what can we do about it? How can we best support our kids?

1. What needs improving? Now that we have progress reports, use them to see where your kids are struggling. Ask your student directly what strengths and weaknesses he or she sees, what he or she may need help with. You can give us a call for a free consultation and we can talk about what your student needs.

2. Work with a tutor. One on one, personalized sessions with a tutor is the best way to stop any slide in its tracks. An effective tutor will create a program specifically designed for that individual student. Remote tutoring has been a fantastic way to stay safe and stay educated. Many students report that online tutoring has been even MORE helpful for them than regular methods! To learn more about virtual options with Kate, click here! You're just an email away!

3. Start a study group. If your student has a friend or two who is also struggling, it's a great time to band together and save a few resources by starting a study group. If you have the time, you can organize it yourself -- or you can put together a few kids and let us do the heavy lifting. It can save a few bucks while still being incredibly effective. Studies have shown that when students teach material to their peers, it helps reinforce the lesson and they perform better on exams. Check out more about our study groups here.

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